Many online casino players listen to their “sixth sense”. Sometimes the subconscious says that it is necessary to do just that, which sometimes is the right thing to do. Therefore, gambling people often build game strategies based on intuition. Does intuition in online casino really help, or not?
Intuition in the online casino from a scientific point of view
Unfortunately, intuition has not been studied enough. Scientists for a long time shunned this phenomenon, it is too vague and indefinite. Any reasoning about the “sixth sense” led to the favorite realm of esotericists and mystics, ready to write down any patterns on manifestations of Providence.
In recent times, the scientific research has taken a baby step towards rationalizing this phenomenon. The elusive “feeling” is studied profoundly, sophisticated experiments and tests are carried out using tomographs.
The very word “intuition” is formed from the Latin “intuitio” – “contemplation”. The definition of this concept can be formulated as follows: it is a way of solving a problem through an instantaneous unconscious conclusion based on imagination, experience, empathy, and flair.
How is intuition manifested in the casino
During the game in online casino, the feelings go against the facts. The player understands: the percentage of the return of the slot 98% means that it will give out $ 98 from the invested hundred. However, during the game, you may get a sense of quick victory and the desire to make a big bet right at the moment. Some players follow intuition tips and, in fact, get a big win in the casino. Yet, most often, intuition does not give direct clues, but rather motivates for an action that does not always lead to the expected result.
To trust Intuition in online casino or not?
To answer this question we will present the study by Antonio Damasio from the University of Iowa. He conducted such an experiment (intuition works similarly in a casino): he placed 4 card decks in front of the subject, two of them were green, the other two were blue. On each card, the amount that the person will win or send to the bank was noted. In the blue decks, the winnings and losses were larger, in green – the winnings were more modest, but came across more often.
Choosing cards at random, after about 50 attempts, the subject understood what this is about. In order to protect himself against large losses, he began to draw only green cards. It is worth noting that by this time the debts were already decent.
The sensors fixed on the hands of the players told the temperature and humidity. Their testimony made it clear – after 10 steps the man knew what was wrong. Each subsequent attempt to choose a blue card resulted in stress: the temperature jumped and the hands got wet with tension. The body realized everything quickly, but the brain will need to stumble 40 times more to come to the right decision.
It turns out that listening to intuition, you can act more rationally and reduce the number of losses in online casinos.
How it works?
Intuition is based on our experience, various information about the surroundings accumulated in the subconscious. When a person makes a decision, the basal part of the brain is involved – one of the oldest departments responsible for emotions. During long years of evolution, living beings reacted to everything intuitively, and, despite all the cataclysms, were able to survive and become intelligible creatures.
Not surprisingly, intuition is often paired with instinct. This is a more subtle tool than clumsy logic. Ability to listen to the “sixth sense” helps in life and gambling.
Recent research confirms that intuition in the casino is ready to prompt an answer when consciousness has not turned up yet. Although, unfortunately, we have lost the ability to hear the subconscious, as in modern life we rarely encounter the need to confront life-threatening factors.
Online casino: intuition as an instinct
There is such a theoretical model – RPD (recognition primed decision). According to it, in extreme conditions, including the risky moments in online casino games, a person makes quick and effective decisions based on past experience. The process involves subconsciousness and analytical tools, which are, in fact, instinct. The line between intuition and instinct is very subtle, and sometimes completely invisible.
For example, a person who has extensive experience with children, understands their behavior better than others. Therefore, in different situations in the future will act more consciously and effectively. So, in the online casino game: the accumulated experience is transformed into intuitive tips and rational actions.
For example in poker, listening to intuition that relies on experience is very important. The subconscious often dictates the right moves from the past games fixed in memory. However, when it comes to slot machines, where everything is decided by the will of the case, the influence of intuition is minimal. Feeling can only pull when it’s time to stop, and give clues when choosing a bet.
If you play with a cold head and listen to your feelings, you can protect yourself from losing. But when playing machines in online casinos, you do not have to rely solely on intuition. It is powerless against RNG. It is better to study in detail the information about the slot and connect the analytical ability.
So, let’s sum up.
- Intuition is based on past experience.
Choosing a virtual casino, experienced players immediately understand which site they can trust. They are given clues by past experience; quickly calculate games in which there is a higher chance of getting a big win.
- Intuition is a hint of the subconscious.
The sixth sense must certainly be listened to. However, perceive the prompts of the subconscious mind should be like additional information, not a categorical call to action.
- During the game in slots, the flair does not turn on.
The work of slots is based on the principle of chance. Intuition can tell when it’s time to finish the game or increase the bet.
Gain experience by playing popular slots in the Shangri La online casino, and your intuition will be of great help to you. The main thing is, to not shift all responsibility for losses to an innocent subconscious mind, yet, act judiciously and wisely. Good luck!