A bankroll is the money you allocate for playing at an online casino. Bankroll management (BRM) is the control of your expenses during a gaming session. Proper bankroll management allows you to enjoy playing games to the fullest while maintaining your financial stability. BRM helps avoid debt and unnecessary expenses, as well as helps you plan the time you spend playing. All in order to keep gaming enjoyable without any negative aspects.
No matter what the size of your bankroll is, the rules of management always remain the same. There is always a risk of spending everything during one session, but even if that happens, it should not affect your financial stability. So let’s learn about BRM to minimize risks and play only for pleasure.
Basic rules of the BRM
The basic rules of Bankroll management were initially developed by poker and roulette players. Even in these games where skill can allow for more frequent and larger wins, no one is immune to a losing streak. BRM allows you to exit the game with your bankroll intact. Yes, the game will be over sooner, but the loss will be minimal.
Poker players have been developing the rules of bankroll management through trial and error for several decades. It turns out that these rules work perfectly with other games, including slots.
Play only with your own money available here and now
This is the basic rule. Since gaming is entertainment, you can only spend your own disposable income on it. It is absolutely not allowed to play on credit or with money set aside for other purposes (medical treatment, education, mortgage).
Before starting the game, it’s worth considering the most pessimistic scenario: that all your bets will be losing. It’s important to plan accordingly, even though such an outcome is unlikely, even theoretically. Considering losing scenarios allows you to maintain a clear head, while confidence in winning leads to a quick deposit depletion.
Determine your bankroll size
The size of your bankroll is a personal matter. It depends on many factors, including your income level, specific interests, and gaming plan. However, your optimal bankroll can always be calculated using a simple formula.
The average bankroll is calculated based on a plan for 300 bets. For example, for a gaming session on your favorite slot with a 1-coin bet, it is recommended to have 300 coins in your account.
There is also an exact formula for calculating the bankroll:
Bankroll = Bet size * Number of bets per hour * Number of gaming hours * 0.2
0.2 is a coefficient that takes into account variance, standard deviation, and probability of failure.
Distribute your bankroll
Bankroll management is the process of spending money over a specified period. Above, we talked about calculating funds for one session. Ideally, it is calculated for a month or a week. During this period, you plan the number of gaming sessions and their duration in advance.
Disciplined players who have done this planning can calculate their expenses for the day, and even for the hour. If limits are exceeded during the game, adjustments are made. The bankroll is recalculated, taking into account the expenses incurred, and the player reduces the number of sessions and future bets.
Save your winnings
Winnings are not part of the bankroll – this is another important BRM rule. Do not add your winnings to the already planned bankroll.
100% of the winnings should be withdrawn. Or you can add the winnings to the bankroll for the future month. This maintains BRM discipline.
Never try to win back losses
Do you remember to play as if you will lose everything? This rule is still relevant! If you are on a losing streak, your bankroll is spent, and there are no winnings, still follow your plan.
In BRM on a losing streak, you should not:
• Increase bets
• Increase the number of gaming hours
• Increase the number of sessions
In BRM on a losing streak, it is recommended to:
• Lower bets
• Take a break
Trying to win back losses goes against bankroll management rules and leads to a rapid depletion of your deposit.
Don’t play everything at once
Another rule for a well-planned gaming session is to determine the circle of games. For example, it is not worth mixing card games and slots during one session. It is also worth giving preference to products in which the casino’s advantage is less than 2%.
Bankroll management (BRM) allows you to wisely spend your deposit by understanding your chances in each game. At the same time, you should use all possible bonuses that the site or a specific game offers. The more bonuses you receive, the less of your own money you spend.
Plan your winnings BRM sets limits not only on losses but also on wins. The rule is to stop in time not only during a losing streak but also after a big win since a losing streak often follows it. You can determine the size of a big prize yourself, but if the deposit has grown by more than 50% as a result of a win, it is worth taking a break. You can withdraw the winnings or save them for the next month. By leaving at the moment of victory, you don’t let adrenaline control you and reduce the chances of losing your deposit due to emotions.
Keep track of expenses BRM assumes the presence of a game diary that describes in detail the deposit expenditure. Record such data:
- Game days;
- Number of hours;
- Games you played;
- Number of bets;
- Bet sizes;
- Winnings.
Keeping track of expenses prevents you from getting carried away and keeps your head cool.
Don’t break your own BRM rules
No one is immune to mistakes and tilts when emotions take over due to losses or wins, and the deposit is drained. To avoid this, follow the last rule: don’t break your own limits and rules, and maintain discipline. Small violations lead to small expenses, and then to big violations and losses. By following your BRM rules, you keep your deposit safe.
Conclusion: Bankroll management is the path to comfortable play and wins
BRM has one single goal – to protect the player from excessive enthusiasm and loss of control. When barriers fall, limitations are not visible to a person. And BRM, built on control, does not let the pleasure of the game exceed reasonable limits. Agree, it is pleasant to receive a pleasant gaming experience and, from time to time, substantial winnings on slot machines. If you master bankroll management, you can play at Shangri La online casino as much as you want on your own terms!