The big event happened on July 11, 2021, the lucky guy hit a jackpot in the amount of ₽ 5 696 500 at Shangri La Online Casino & Sports! And surprisingly, the Triple Double Da Vinci Diamonds slot from High 5 Games, which recently gave out a prize of RUB 6,870,000, turned out to be so generous in gifts again.

This time a player from Russia became the lucky one. To hit the millionth prize, it was enough to run 10 free spins. Shangri La Online Casino congratulates the winner and is proud to bring this experience to its customers. The winnings have already been paid in full.
About Triple Double Da Vinci Diamonds Slot
For several years now, Triple Double Da Vinci Diamonds has remained one of the most popular developments of High 5 Games. It is also one of the most popular slots on the Shangri La online casino site. And as we can see, one of the most generous! Players are drawn to the original Renaissance theme and an incredibly generous return rate of 97.1 %! And with maximum luck, the rate can be increased by 10,000 times.
The game is a real aesthetic pleasure. The drums feature Renaissance masterpieces by master Da Vinci: “Lady with an Ermine”, “Portrait of a Musician” and the mysterious “Mona Lisa”. And in the course of the gameplay, you can get a significant increase in the probability of winning. Just what it takes to hit the jackpot!
The slot is available at any time of the day or night on the Shangri La Online Casino & Sports website in the Casino section. Come on, spin the reels, and perhaps you will become the owner of the new jackpot!